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Distribution June 2024 Ex Gratia Payment

25 June 2024

ICLA periodically reallocates historic undistributed funds and makes them available for distribution to rightsholders. Payments are non-title specific.

While ICLA always endeavours to allocate the correct share due to rightsholders for the use of their works, the information from the copying records provided by the licensees is not always sufficient to identify either the work or the rightsholder. Consequently, ICLA undertakes considerable work to identify and contact the rightsholders concerned.

In accordance with the ICLA Distribution Policy the Board of Directors can elect to make those fees that remain unallocated even after this process available for distribution to rightsholders whose works can reasonably be assumed to be copied by licensees within a given sector. Periodically ICLA reallocates historic undistributed funds and makes them available for distribution.

This year, we have decided to make an ex gratia payment to rightsholders whose material we feel has been underrepresented in the survey data received from the Education sector. There is a natural fluctuation of titles in the data which is operated on a rolling system over six years and weighted towards the most recent data available.

Payment of these funds is in full and is in no way a precedent for any future ex-gratia payments.