The content to support any university course comes from a wide variety of sources. As a course progresses we do of course increasingly want students to find original research for themselves, but it is also important to provide the roadmap for each module of their course, the seminal research on which the discipline is built and a wide variety of opinion and discussion pieces to set them thinking, in addition to the most up to date research and meta-analysis papers.

Content Sources
Sources include:
- Core course textbook (to buy as print or digital or short-loan from the library (print or digital))
- Module-specific textbook (to buy as print or digital or short-loan (print or digital) from the library)
- Popular reading books for background, to buy or borrow from library
- Scholarly monographs (library loan, publisher licence, increasingly open access)
- Chapters/extracts from any of the above provided as copies on the VLE or via publisher licences
- Chapters/extracts from any of the above provided for tutorials
- Lecturer-created materials that include extracts from any of these
- Magazine and newspaper articles with a bearing on the subject as a focus for tutorials/workshops
Articles from learned journals available as:
- Library subscription (publisher’s licence)
- Historic (publisher’s licence, copyright-fee-paid copy, print collection scanned for VLE)
- Journals not subscribed to by the library (copyright-fee-paid copies to be scanned for VLE)
- Open access journals
The ICLA Licence
The ICLA Higher Education Licence is there to fill in the gaps between individual purchase, library subscriptions/publishers’ licences and open access offerings. In particular from the list above:
- digital copies of extracts/chapters/articles on the VLE/digital content store
- onward use of copyright-fee-paid copies
- digital or print copies of extracts as a focus for tutorials/seminars
- text and illustrations available on the internet for use in lecturer-generated material
- text and illustrations available on the internet as illustrations for education, teaching or scientific research
A course example
Here is an example for a hypothetical Social Psychology module of where the ICLA Licence might be of help:
Required textbook for overall psychology course - (student buys or library loan)
- Gazzaniga M (2018) Psychological Science. New York: WW Norton & Co.
Social psychology module textbook - (student buys or library loan)
- Aronson et al (2015) Social Psychology (9th Edition). Boston: Pearson
Stimulating popular reading - (student buys, library loan or extracts provided under ICLA licence)
- Baron-Cohen A. Zero Degree Empathy: A new theory of human cruelty, Allen Lane 2011.
- Fernyhough C. The Baby in the Mirror: A child’s world from birth to three. Granta, 2009
- Greenfield A. The Private Life of the Brain. Allen Lane, 2000
- Pinker S. How the Mind Works. Penguin 1997
Articles from - (publisher’s licence; copyright-fee-paid copy + ICLA Licence)
- Psychological Methods (American Psychological Association)
- Basic and Applied Social Psychology (Taylor & Francis)
- Journal of Social Psychology (Taylor & Francis)
- Social Psychology Quarterly (Sage)
- (or open access…)
- Frontiers in Personality and Social Psychology (open access)
Lecturer’s module plan and notes incorporating - (ICLA Licence)
- Photographs available on the internet
- Extracts from websites available on the internet
- Extracts from books and articles listed above
Most of the needs of the course are provided by publisher-direct licences, with open access to primary research and scholarly monographs greatly on the increase, but the ICLA Licence is there to ensure lecturers can provide what the individual course demands, responsively, not simply what is dictated by available library resources, to fill in the gaps and provide reassurance where there is uncertainty around text and still images available on the internet.